

Hi I’m Tim Sears. My LinkedIn profile is here.



Either a Blog

I have an interest in Haskell, functional programming, math, finance, machine learning and computer vision. You might see blog posts touching on all these areas at some point.

Either a b is a commonly used data type in Haskell. It can be used for lots of things, but is often used to represent computations that can fail. In that usage b is the type of a successful result and a is the type of any error conditions. In other uses, a is the final result and b is the type of any intermediate result, leading to more iteration. The reader will have to determine the semantics that apply to Either aBlog` :-).


You can email me at

concat . reverse $ [".com", "timsears", "tim@"]


If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, come and join us at Haskell Hackers at Hacker Dojohackers. The group generally meets every four weeks at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View. Schedules and details here.

Building this site

The posts in the blog are written in a hybrid of Markdown (for text) and LaTeX (for equations) and converted into HTML by Pandoc as part of the Hakyll engine.

The design and much of the code to generate the site was pretty much stolen from Mark Reid’s blog. Mark kindly made his code available as have a number of other Hakyll powered sites.


Unless specified otherwise, all design and content within this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.